Welcome to Pathfinding Visualizer
This tutorial will go over the features of this app
Pathfinding Algorithms
Pathfinding algorithms attempt to find the shortest path between two points. This app visualizes common algorithms
This app is applied on a 2D grid, with 4 neighbors in each cardinal direction
Picking an Algorithm
Choose an algorithm from the "Algorithms" dropdown menu
Note that not all algorithms find the shortest path, and all have different performance characteristics
Summary of Algorithms
Dijkstra's Algorithm: finds the shortest path(s) between nodes in a graph
Breadth-First Search: starts at a root node and explores all neighbor nodes of current nodes
Depth-First Search: starts at a root node and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking
Adding Walls
Click and drag across the grid to generate walls
Walls are impenetrable and cannot be passed through
Choosing Mazes & Patterns
Choose a maze or pattern from the "Mazes & Patterns" dropdown menu
Random patterns may not have a resulting path
Dragging Nodes
Click and drag nodes to move them
The app will dynamically re-evaluate as nodes are dragged
Navbar Guide
Use the navbar to select the algorithm, auto-generate a maze, change board density, and animation speed
Clear Walls
to clear walls
Clear Path
to restart visualization
Clear Board
to start over
to watch the algorithm in action!
Have Fun
Explore the endless possibilities of pathfinding